Space travel has always been something that's interested me. Not so much the sci-fi fantasy type stuff as much as the actual exploration. What is really out there? How far can we go? What are we going to find? It's a pretty exciting adventure, and it's even more exciting to think that in our lifetime, a trip to outer space could become reality for everyday people. Ok, maybe not everyday people, maybe people with some extra cash to blow and a few vacation days are more likely to fly to the moon. But right now you can take a tour of the moon's surface thanks to Google. Plus, astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Jack Schmitt can even be your virtual tour guides.
It's all part of the excitement surrounding the 40th Anniversary of man's first walk on the moon. Some call it mankind's greatest achievement, others say it was all a big fake. I love a good conspiracy theory. But Buzz Aldrin is just as committed to that moon-walk as the apostles were committed to Jesus Christ. So I believe him. Plus he can rap like a mo-fo -- check this out if you haven't seen it yet The Rocket Experience.
Google Earth 5.0 takes you off the planet to our good buddy the moon. That's where we all might have to move to when Al Gore's prophecies come true. So it is cool that we can check out the moon from our i-phones and laptops, right? Or is Google sinking it's claws a little deeper into our lives. When Microsoft released it's search engine Bing, I used Google to look it up. I bet a lot of other people did the same thing. Google has become such a huge part of society, I think many would agree it's a little scary. Some feel our privacy is being infringed on in the name of marketing. But nobody really seems to care enough to want to put a stop to it, including me.
When it becomes "The Moon: brought to you by Google," then maybe I'll be worried. But Google is not the first one in the game, there are dozens of sites that will sell off property on the moon, and some are actually credible.
I really don't know what the moon will bring us in the future. But there's this giant sphere out their floating around. Besides making ghost stories creepier, it's really not doing much. Why doesn't someone sell advertising space on the moon? I'm thinking use it as one GIANT digital billboard. Now that's a pretty good global market-share. If you are investor please contact me.
TheAngry Prophet
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