The story of the day? If you haven't heard about it yet you probably haven't been online, listened to the radio, or watched any TV. On the same day Michael Vick learns he could be back on the football field this season to rebuild a career ruined by a dog-fighting ring, a story breaks out of Connecticut about a massive canary fighting ring.
Across the country, news producers everywhere are stacking their rundowns with stories of Michael Vick next to the Connecticut Canary Fighting Tragedy! Meantime, Michael Vick is debating whether to return to football or take a shot at managing a new sport -- one with blood, feathers and birdseed! I guess it depends on what his true love is; football or domesticated animal bloodsports. Can't you just see the trainers riling up their birds by sticking fingers in the cages? I think it's great that there are sweaty men gathered in basements throwing down cash on tiny little birds pecking away at each other.
I never really like canaries. My little brother begged for a pet bird. He wrote reports about how he would take care of it, what he would name it blah blah blah. I wanted a pet rabbit, but I never got one, so yeah I was kind of bitter. Ok, I'm still a little bitter. He named it Binky and all it ever did was sit by the mirror in it's cage and occasionally scuttle over to the other side of his perch to eat or drink. Binky did not like me, and I did not like Binky. If I knew about canary fighting rings back then I might have sold him into slavery.
Thankfully, Binky died when I was out of the country. It was a good alibi, which made it pretty hard for my brother to pin the death on me (even though he still tried).
If you haven't seen any of the reports on the Connecticut Canary Fighting Tragedy! Check it out here.
My favorite line is when the reporters says "Two canaries enter and one canary leaves!" And of course the little old lady who was so surprised there was a horrible canary fighting ring in their "quiet neighborhood." Seriously, no one heard the chirping of 100 canaries? I can't even imagine. Binky was bad enough.
The Angry Prophet
I had not seen the bird fighting ring online or on tv yet but wow... that is kinda lame. I mean birds fighting? I guess I haven't really seen it before but it just seems a bit odd. I will have to tell you a story about me and my grandma's bird sometime.. I tired to play with it when I was three and the outcome was not good.