For a few hours this morning, time stood still. Millions of people around the world could not Twitter thanks to the senseless act of some self-centered anarchist hackers. I write about this act of social networking terrorism, because we as Americans need to fight for the freedom to Tweet. We fight not only for ourselves but so the entire world can let their followers know they are going on a bike ride while listening to Ben Harper on their Zune player.

This atrocity had a far-reaching impact, stretching beyond everyday people like me. It hurt hundreds and hundreds of celebrities who use Twitter to market themselves to the public with at least 3 tweets a day. Plus, let's not forget their fans, who require updates in order to feel worthwhile. Because since they are one of Ashley Tisdale's 1,388,423 followers, they are close friends with her, and have the right to be informed that she is "Getting my nails done for the wedding....yay!!!".
Interns everywhere went back to fixing copier jams, and getting coffe -- their dreams of becoming Social Networking Director at a Fortune 500 company in jeopardy! Doug Benson had to wait until the afternoon to let me know that "Trying to go number 1 and going number 2 instead should be called a number 3."
The fact that a few arrogant computer nerds think they can take away a basic human necessity like Twitter and get away with it is ludicrous. Speaking of Ludacris...I have NO IDEA what he was up to from 8:45 to 10:35am central time today. This attack bares the earmarks of online al Qaida! We can only pray that these anti-Twitter hoodlums are brought to justice ASAP. Then maybe we can all return to a life of normalcy without looking over our shoulders suspecting every geek we see of having a terrifying hidden agenda. Obama, keep Gitmo open! We have some new detainees on their way.
#Angry Prophet
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