For years, one of the only places you could find regular entertainment in the Green Bay Area was at Comedy City. The improv theater that started in downtown Green Bay moved to the old De Pere Library a number of years ago. Today it offers The Venture Theater, and now some of the members are branching out to create laughter online.
Table 8 Productions is an undertaking involving some of the funniest guys and girls of Comedy City. They've put together some hilarious viral videos produced here in the Green Bay Area. Table 8 Productions has only been up-and-running a few months, but already there are dozens of videos to check out on YouTube and Funny or Die.
One of the more popular series the group has put together so far is Boozer Cruiser created by local filmmaker Craig Kinnit, who also operates Out of Whack Productions. It involves a local cab driver who holds his own game show for the usual /unusual drunks who need a ride home (or to the next bar).
Another interesting idea from Table 8 features the extremely popular video game RockBand.
This ongoing saga is a a little bit VH1 Behind the Music, and a little bit Spinal Tap with plenty of geeky gamer humor.
If you like your comedy a little dry...Table 8 can serve up your humor that way as well. The series Checkers features two buddies, their board game, and some bizarre conversations.
The Annoying Roommate series is another creative idea from Table 8. Plenty of us have had roomies who are a little weird. But these guys have some seriously bad luck.
There's plenty more to see from Table 8, and the team is uploading new material every week. Now it's true, you may not love every single one of the videos. But how often have you laughed at every skit on Saturday Night Live?
So help out some local talent by supporting these guys! Sign up to be fans, rate some videos, leaves some comments!
If they ever end up getting their own show, you can say you were a fan before Table 8 became "mainstream crap."
TABLE 8 on You Tube
TABLE 8 on Funny or Die
TABLE 8 Blog
Table 8 Facebook Page
Table 8 rules!!!