Long post yesterday, short one today. An Israeli horse gets its revenge with a big "screw you" to cars. It's been just over a century since the Model T Ford turned 100 years-old, but at least one member of the Equidae family is still holding a grudge. The transportation business used to be big-time for horses. Today, they only get attention during the Triple Crown, and that's just the fast thoroughbreads. Many others are humiliated by the pony-ride at Bay Beach.
However, this horsey had the last laugh (or whinny) when it knocked a car off it's high horse. And not to beat a dead horse but it definitely wasn't horse-play when this horse of a different color was chomping at the bit to get even. If you don't believe me you should because I heard it right from the horse's mouth. If youstill don't believe me then watch this video.
Transcription: Happen to be a couple of horses, and hopefully nobody GASP! OH! GOD!

I'm actually a little freaked out by horses. When I was a kid I had a reoccurring nightmare that the spring-loaded realistic noise-making rocking horse in my bedroom would come alive. It looked a lot like the one to the right, except scarier. He'd jump up on the top bunk where I slept and mock me. Then later in childhood, when the horse was stored in the basement, it would always startle me in the dark. I would get super mad at the horse and punch the thing. Then it would scare me again because the batteries never died, and it would whinny and neigh at me. When we moved out of my childhood home when I was ten, the kid who was moving in wanted to keep it. I'm sure my parents saved him some nightmares by taking it with us, but my fire of plastic Hedstrom Spring Horses continues to this day.
Ok I gotta go eat. My pregnant wife is yelling at me because she's so hungry she could eat a horse.
Now that I see that picture of a horse I have noticed that horses' teeth are almost the same as people's teeth. It follows the same line, I had a horse, I won it after buying Viagra Online.